Accessibility commitment

At Rapport, we believe that every individual deserves an equal opportunity to use our services. We are committed to ensuring that our product is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. Our team has worked diligently to design and implement features that make our software user-friendly for all.

Key accessibility features

  • Keyboard navigation: Every feature can be accessed using a keyboard for those who cannot use a mouse.
  • Text-to-speech compatibility: Our website is designed to work seamlessly with text-to-speech software.
  • Contrast options: Users can switch between different contrast modes to improve visibility based on their needs.
  • Resizable text: Text can be resized for those who need larger fonts.
  • Alternative text for images: All images come with alternative text for screen readers.
  • Closed captioning: All video content has the option for closed captioning.
  • Intuitive design: Our design follows best practices to be intuitive and easy to understand.

Feedback & continuous improvement

We value feedback from our community. If you encounter any barriers or have suggestions on how we can improve accessibility, please contact our dedicated accessibility team at We are also committed to continuous training for our team, ensuring that as technology evolves, our accessibility features do too.

Resources & tools

  • WCAG guidelines: Our design and functionalities adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA.
  • Assistive technology: We test our website with a variety of tools and software to ensure compatibility.

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